Small business owners are simply the biggest multi-taskers you will ever find. Taking responsibility for a number of roles within their business in its early stages, keeping abreast of the many tasks required to manage, grow and develop it towards success, it’s not always easy. For those who consider themselves a little more introverted, not all roles come naturally and they may find themselves reluctant at the idea of stepping in to the shoes of the ‘Sales Executive’. Thankfully, the days of pushy salesmen are long gone and there are several ways even the least likely sales professional can carve out a place for his or her company in the marketplace.
Invest in lead generation resources – Create a sales strategy for filling your sales pipeline and identify as many ways to fill it as possible. Start with making sure your data is fresh and complete. Email campaigns are a great way to engage in regular communication with prospects and measure their interaction. Perhaps cold-calling isn’t your strong suit, however it is one of the most effective ways to develop that sales pipeline. You could undertake some telemarketing training to give you the skills and confidence needed to make the leap or, why not outsource this area of work to an outside provider?
Make the most of online contacts – Establish contacts across a number of online platforms to introduce your business. From LinkedIn to business forums, Facebook and Twitter, many of these social media sites host online networking at specific times, targeting business sectors and locations that are filled with the kind of connections you are looking to develop.
Experience a more relaxed kind of meeting – If face-to-face meetings leave you feeling anxious why not utilise opportunities to meet with other businesses in a more relaxed environment? Research local networking events and visit to make the most of the chance to introduce yourself and talk about what you’re doing. You’ll be surprised at how many other multi-taskers you will get to know. Also, why not visit at local and regional business shows? As a visitor, not only will you have the opportunity walk the floor and speak to a number of exhibitors, you will also have the opportunity to attend seminars where you can pick up valuable advice for developing your business further.
Commit to social corporate responsibility – Align yourself with at least one charity, fundraiser or community project that means something to you. Not all help has to be financial, donating time and promotional support to a meaningful cause will positively impact upon both parties and is a great way to raise your profile.
Build a strategy for the tasks you simply hate – Whatever your least favourite task is, create a plan to force you to tackle it head on, step-by-step. They key is consistency so make sure to engage in these things regularly and they will soon become less intimidating. For instance, if it’s cold-calling, start with a 30 minute session in the morning and then another in the afternoon. Reward yourself for taking on the tough challenges and succeeding.
SureTrain has worked closely with business owners to help them develop strategies for business growth and development for over ten years. If you’re a business owner stretching themselves to cover a number of roles, give us a call to see how we can take some of the strain and lift your sales performance, while creating more time for those essential business tasks.