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  • Writer's pictureRichard Palmer, SureTrain

Skilled Sales Teams Win - Pt2

Updated: Jul 19, 2019

In part one of our blog we explored SureTrain’s top 5 benefits of implementing an ongoing programme of training for your sales team. These benefits were clear, demonstrating the need for such a plan.

Much like any other investment however, a strategic approach is necessary to ensure it can be delivered well. Introducing new processes can affect the operational aspects of the workplace and your sales team will need to know what to expect so a clear structure to the training programme is essential.

Whether you are utilising an in-house training team or outsourcing your training to an external provider, you should first make the time to consider the following areas:

Where does the greatest need lie?

Time to think about each stage of the sales process. Where are the weaknesses? Perhaps your CRM is in a mess? Are your customers leaving you for your competition? Maybe your telesales team is having difficulty in setting appointments for the field sales team? Or, are the field sales team having trouble closing the sale at their appointments?

Prioritise your needs and assess which must be addressed first. Be aware of any stages of the sales process that cross over and are handled by multiple job roles to see that everyone has an opportunity to develop and improve their performance in that area.

What skills are needed?

Listen to your sales team and find out what skills they want to improve upon. Learn about their aspirations for progressing in your industry and identify the training needed to get them there so that you have the best talent in your industry, engaged and loyal to your business.

Skills can quickly become stale though so refresher training is always a good way to prevent inactivity and prevent bad practise. Your industry will be subject to constant changes, due to things like advancement in technology and customer preference and you don’t want your team to be left behind in the marketplace.

How do you manage the time for training?

Striking the balance between an ongoing training programme and keeping on top of daily business is critical to the success of both. You want to ensure your team doesn’t lose interest or fall behind with their work.

If this is something you are unsure about it may be good to consult with a professional trainer for an insider’s experienced opinion on the kind of schedule that works best.

What is the best way to deliver the training?

There are now more ways than ever to effective deliver training to your team, even when they are separated by role or in some cases by location. Training can be delivered one-on-one, in teams or group sessions, in-house or even part of an open course alongside other companies or even self-directed online learning.

Whatever your needs are, there will be a method of training out there that fits around your business. Most importantly you are not stuck with just one and can build a comprehensive programme, incorporating different delivery methods, if that’s what works best for you.

Take a look at our Sales Training Programmes and let us know if we can help you.

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